domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

Web de Peter Evans

El fantástico trompetista Peter Evans se ha convertido en los últimos tiempos en un asunto en boca de todos, en "the talk of the town". Hago un corta y pega con un mensaje que ha enviado anunciando la puesta en marcha de su web, que está sazonada con sus chispeantes dibujos.

"Hi folks

I'm very excited to annouce the launch of my new website!

It will serve both as a site for my new label, More is More Records and as a place to find out information about my current performances and activities.

The first album on the label is one I'm very proud of, it is the first release of my Quintet, which I have been writing for and workshopping for the past year and a half. It features Carlos Homs on piano, Tom Blancarte on bass, Jim Black on drums, and Sam Pluta on live electonics. The music is a sequence of new compositions by me, commissioned in part by the Donaueschinger Musiktage 2010 and SWR in Germany.

The album is available starting March 15th on the site as well as iTunes, Amazon, etc, and the few stores around that still sell CDs. Information about it here:

Thanks for reading and please check back in often for more updates, new music and other news!


(Como pueden ver, no levantamos cabeza y seguimos viviendo de los otros).

2 comentarios:

  1. vente a verlo el martes y te debere visita :-)

  2. te aseguro que iría de buen grado, pero me es del todo imposible. lo ví hace unos tres o cuatro años en Barcelona, que vino con Tom Blancarte (el dúo Sparks). me dejó alucinado. en fin, otra vez será.


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